self sabotage

Self Sabotage Dressed Up As Self-Care

I took a break from working out last week because I was feeling tired and truthfully a bit unmotivated. I thought to myself that a week off would make me feel better. In my head I told myself that I would have more time with the kids, I could focus on my business more and I would feel rested and more enthusiastic the following week to get back at it hard.

Basically, I was telling myself the story I wanted to hear.

I was seeking permission to slack off and finding multiple reasons why I should.

Self-sabotage at its finest ladies!

And let me tell you, I am a great story teller because I fully believed that I was doing myself a favor.

Well, fast forward to this week and I can tell you, it did the EXACT opposite! Removing the exercise from my normal routine has made me feel more anxious, agitated and less rested than I did the week before.

So what I thought was going to help me, actually felt more like a set back.

Now I am back in the gym this week and I have restarted my training program from the beginning and it feels good. But I will tell you I am still working on getting my mindset back to where it was before my little “break”.

It got me thinking about how easy it is for us to self sabotage.

Have you ever done that before?

Maybe you, like me, were doing really well with diet and exercise and then you fell off the wagon for one reason or another.

Perhaps you were working really hard on your business and then just kind of stopped creating or selling or sharing your skills online. (I’ve had moments of that too!)

It can be challenging and difficult to get yourself back on track. But it is fully possible! I am proof positive of that.

Here are a few quick tips if you have found yourself struck by your own self sabotage.

Recognize it. Listen, you need to call a spade a spade. It’s important to be brutally honest with yourself and acknowledge what you are doing. When you are able to identify that you are self-sabotaging, you are then able to move past it.

Understand why. Self sabotage doesn’t happen because you get tired or “lazy”. In fact, it’s far more complex than that. Self worth, control, fear, and boredom are just a few reasons why someone might derail themselves. When you understand the why behind your self sabotage you take back full control and power in the situation.

Forgive yourself. Let go of any anger, frustration or sadness you feel about your actions and forgive yourself. You can’t move forward if you focus on or live in the past. So end that pity party and just keep going!

Remind yourself. It’s always good to take a pulse on why you started doing what you were doing in the first place. Exercise for me keeps me fit, feeling strong and feeling whole mentally. It makes me feel good. I reminded myself of that a lot this week and it completely motivated me to get back in the gym.

Take Action. Shift the story in your head from one of sabotage to one of success. Tell yourself what you are capable of and create a plan for how to get there. Get back on that horse and ride off into the sunset. Preferable in your cutest outfit possible!

And remember ladies, you’re not fully dressed until you sparkle!
