How to be all in

This weekend my husband and I went to NYC for a wedding. We had an amazing adults only mini-break and it was just fabulous. NYC is where we met and fell all in love. It holds special meaning to us and our relationship.

For me personally, I come alive in NYC. It’s where I built my career, came into my adulthood and learned a ton of life lessons. I just love being there and I love the person I am when I am there!

And it always helps to have a few moments away without the kids.

Anyway, the wedding we attended was beautiful. During the ceremony, the Rabbi made a really powerful point that has stuck with me all week. He was talking about what it takes to have a successful marriage and his main point boiled down to this:

You have to be all in.

And it really hit home for me in so many ways. He is 100% right. In order to have a successful relationship you have to give it your all, even on days when you don’t feel like it, or you are angry or mad or sad.

You have to commit yourself to this person and say, I am all in. No matter what. You have to allow yourself to be real, vulnerable and supportive. You have to communicate.

I mean, the list could go on and on right?!

And it might be different for me than it is for you, because what makes me happy doesn’t necessarily make you feel happy or secure.

But it got me thinking about other aspects of our lives where we need to take that same approach.

Can you think of any facet of your life that you want to change but haven’t really been able to do it?

Think for example: growing your business, losing some weight, improving a relationship.

When you think about areas of your life that aren’t exactly what you wish they were, ask yourself this:

Am I all in?

Most likely, if you are being honest with yourself, the real answer is no.

You see, when you are not fully committed to something you won’t put in the necessary blood, sweat and tears to find success.

Those awesome Fashion Bloggers who seem to have the best life and easy job? They work 80 hours a week and it’s cut-throat.

That super fit woman who seems to look great in everything she wears? She works hard in the gym and in the kitchen. Even on days when she is tired and not in the mood. She passes on treats and drinks regularly.

A beautiful marriage that seems to be perfect? They spend quality intentional time together and communicate with each other even when the conversations are uncomfortable.

The point is, we are all capable of having everything we want in life. We just have to fully commit ourselves to doing what needs to be done. Even if what we have to do is hard or uncomfortable for us.

If you are finding that you can’t exactly get to a place of full commitment, here are some questions that might help you uncover why you are stuck and motivate you to move forward.

  • Am I showing up as the woman I want to be?
  • What is it that I really want?
  • Am I 100% committed to making this goal happen?
  • What is stopping me from doing the work I need to do?
  • What more could I be doing to reach my goals?
  • Who can support me?
  • What might happen if I fully commit myself to this?
  • What might happen if I don’t fully commit myself to this?

I often find when we take a minute to really think about and reflect on our actions, or lack thereof, it becomes crystal clear what we need to do.

I encourage you to ask yourself these questions. After all, don’t you deserve to live the best version of your life possible?

And remember ladies, you’re not fully dressed until you sparkle!
