Well, 2019 is here! Happy New Year everyone! I can’t believe the holiday season has come and gone so quickly. Now we are here at the very beginning of January and we have an entire year ahead of us!

The idea of 12 whole months with endless possibilities ahead, excites me! I am looking forward to seeing what this year will bring and watching my kids grow. I also can’t wait to see how we all embrace the Spring Fashion trends and I’ve already questioned how long into Spring and Summer I can wear my fur! True story.

Over the last few days I have read several blogs about setting goals and the things authors are going to do or strive to do in their lives.

And while they were all nice reads, I found myself skimming the articles because let’s be honest, if it’s not about us, or related to us, or can help us in some way, who has time for that? Not this mama!

So instead of telling you what I plan to do this year, I thought maybe I could share with you HOW I plan to do it instead. The idea being that maybe my strategy might be useful or helpful to you.

So here we go. My plan for 2019 is simple. I am going to throw myself a party.

Wait what?

A party?

How is that going to get me anywhere this year?

Well, technically, it’s not. But it’s a metaphor for how I want to approach my life this year. Last year life felt anything but fun. The year started off rocky and it took a whole lot of work to end it on a high note. I do NOT want that for myself this year. So instead, I want to take a completely different approach.

We have one life to live and I want mine to be filled with fun, energy, excitement and cute outfits! To me, that sounds just like a party. Actually, if I am being honest, I recently read a quote that said, “take note of when you feel most happy, alive and energized. And re-create that moment daily.”

It struck me as awesome advice. And well, I definitely felt that way on NYE and so that is exactly what I am going to do. I am going to make my life a party.

Now, I am not suggesting that we binge drink and stay up late every night. In fact, not even close… what I am suggesting is more figurative. But with the right mindset and approach to life, it can certainly feel like a party!

So how the hell does one make their life like a party? Well, you plan for it of course!

Decide on a theme. Any good party has a theme right? Well, so should your year. What do you want to see happen for yourself this year? Is there anything in particular you want to accomplish or work on? Figure out where you want to channel your energy and get laser focused on that. I’ve thought a lot about this for myself and my theme is “Step into Your Sparkle”. Everything I do will be centered on the idea that I am confident in who I am and I am not afraid to own being her. I am focused AF and ready to show the world what I can do.

Set the date. This one is obvious. You need to decide when you are having this party right? Well, the same idea can be applied to your year. You want to make things happen in your life? Set a date for when you want to reach certain milestones. Obviously I recommend making your goals and timeline realistic and doable but holding yourself accountable can go a long way to making sure you make it happen. If you need help creating some SMART goals, check out this post.

Secure the right vendors. You can’t have a great party without the right music, food and decor right? Well it’s the same thing with your year. Find the right partners to help you achieve your goals. Looking to lose weight? Find the right gym, workout or trainer that is perfect for you. Want to launch a business? Find the right business coach who can give your the momentum you need. The point is, there are resources all around you that can help you get where you want to go. You are not alone.

Send out the invites to the A-List. A party is only a good as the people who come, so make sure that your life is filled with those people who are going to show up and celebrate you! Anyone who is negative or toxic or unsupportive of your dreams and ambitions should not be invited into your life. Simple as that.

Find the perfect outfit. This one goes without saying. You wouldn’t dare host a party without thinking about and putting together a cute look and the same should be done for 2019. Curate your style, decide who you want to be and how you want to express her. Then represent that bitch every day! There is such power in owning your look and something as simple as feeling good in your clothes can do wonders for your confidence and day to day outlook.

Dance like no-one is watching. Finally and most importantly, dance like no-one is watching. Get out there every day and do what you feel called to do without worrying about what other people might think or say. The truth is, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. They don’t live your life or pay your bills or feel your joy. So don’t give them the power to take what is yours!

These are the exact things I am going to do for myself over the next few months. And you better believe that I expect 2019 to be EPIC! I hope you do too.

And remember ladies, you’re not fully dressed until you sparkle!
