lessons learned

Well, here we are just a few weeks away from Christmas and the start of an entire new year! I can’t believe that 2018 is coming to a close. Who is done Christmas shopping? I would say I am 95% there and I can’t wait for my kids to get their Christmas morning. It’s going to be awesome.

For me, Christmas is a time to indulge and surprise and give (and let’s be honest, receive) presents you wouldn’t normally buy during the year. It’s a magical time and I just love it because my love language is all about giving and receiving. So I feel the most love and joy this time of year.

I’ve been thinking about how quickly this year went by and wanted to take a minute to reflect on all that has happened this year. While I don’t always believe in looking back or holding onto the past, I do believe it’s important to reflect, practice some self introspection and find the lessons and the take aways to move forward with style, grace and confidence.

Here are a few things I have learned that might help you shape your 2019 into something fab:

  1. It’s ok to fall off course. It happens to all of us. Be kind to yourself when you do.  Channel your inner Carrie Bradshaw when she fell down on the runway….pick yourself back up and get back to being fabulous.
  2. Self care is not a luxury, it’s an essential. 
  3. Wear your cutest clothes and drink out of your nicest wine glasses. Don’t save expensive things for another day, enjoy them while you can.  Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone. 
  4. Uncomfortable moments can actually help you grow.
  5. Anything can happen at any moment in time. Change is possible and no situation, good or bad, stays the same forever.
  6. Staying true to who you are gives you freedom. Freedom to live your life in a way that feels authentic, comfortable and easy. When you stop trying to impress others and only focus on impressing yourself, magic happens!
  7. Boundaries can be a good thing.
  8. It doesn’t matter if someone else is doing it, it only matters how YOU do it.
  9. No-one is in charge of your happiness except you.
  10. Time heals just about everything. Give time, time.
  11. Keep going. Even when it feels impossible. Nothing great comes to people who sit idle.
  12. The best is yet to come. Have faith that your hopes and dreams will come true. And then set out to make them happen! 

And an extra bonus lesson:

Let your sparkle shine! The world needs your gifts, your talents and your abilities. Share your skills, your passions, your humor, and your empathy with those around you. You never know who you might inspire or how you might make a difference in someone’s life simply by being you.

And remember ladies, you’re not fully dressed until you sparkle!
