Unexpected Compliments
This week I got two random compliments. They were about two different things and one was from one of my best friends and one was from a complete stranger.
My best friend made me feel like a million bucks when she complimented my abilities in my new career path. I wasn’t expecting it and I seriously value her opinion so much. She has fabulous taste, style and if she thinks something is good, well it is!
The perfect stranger is someone I see at drop off at school, but I don’t know her name or anything about her. She made me feel amazing when she complimented my outfit and said, “you always look so cute and put together”. She herself is a stylish person so I won’t lie, my heart soared!
The Power of Kindness
It got me thinking though about the power of being kind. Not only to those you love and those closest to you, but also to complete and random people you come across in your life. We never really know what people are going through or even what they have just been through.
Something as simple as saying “I like your outfit, you always look nice” can make all the difference in a person’s day. It certainly did in mine. It’s not so much that I need the validation about my outfit, it’s more that I felt seen in the moment as something other than mom. Someone else noticed that I take the time to put myself together and admired that about me. It boosted my confidence and made me feel happy. As a marketer and someone obsessed with branding, it really makes me feel like my personal brand is on point!
Sometimes We Get Lost Along The Way
Does anyone else ever feel like sometimes you are lost in a sea of mom duties, work responsibilities and household tasks and that you’re not being seen the way you once were?
I don’t mean that in a negative way. Motherhood is legitimately the best job I have ever had. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. But there is no-one patting you on the back or saying great job or giving you any sort of validation. You have to find that from within. And that can be really fucking hard some days!
Yes, your children give you hugs and kisses and say “you’re the best mommy ever” but no-one is actually saying, “hey mama great job, I am proud of you for surviving the day”. “I am proud of you for not crying today”. “Way to go with keeping the kids happy”. “I am proud of you for raising good people and not complete assholes”. “Oh and by the way I am proud of you for juggling it all, motherhood, business/work, self care, relationships, household duties, finances etc”.
The list goes on and on! If your husband is like mine, he certainly tries to be encouraging and supportive, but I often feel like he has to say nice things to me because he is my husband. Am I right?!
It can be hard, because I know there are many, many days when you really need encouragement and that doesn’t always happen. But this week, when I received both those compliments I felt like I had been seen. And like I was being recognized as something other than mom. It was a reminder that my identity is still very much in tact, even if somedays it doesn’t feel like that so much.
It actually energized me for the day and made me a better mom because I felt good in my skin. The funny part is, it took nothing for those people to say something to me but it was so profound in my world.
How Kindness Can Make A Difference
Talk about a teachable moment. For me. And why I am sharing this with you. Think about how powerful it could be if we all become more intentional with giving people compliments. It really takes nothing for us to say something nice, and it could make all the difference for someone else.
My plan is to make sure I tell my mom friends when I am proud of them for doing something or I admire their ability in some area, or when I think they look cute. I want to tell complete strangers that I like their booties or their leopard belt. I want to be someone who makes other people feel good. Because why not be that person?
When I decided to write this blog I did a little research about kindness and came across this quote by Wayne Dyer – the author of the book, The Power of Intention. He says: “We don’t attract what we want, we attract what we are.”
So if we subscribe to that theory, the more kindness and support we can spread for other moms going through “it” right now, like we are, the more we will receive it. Sign me up! If we could feel good about ourselves everyday, the possibilities for our lives are endless. Think about how empowering that would be.
Will You Join Me?
So this week, I want to you join me in making some other mama’s day! Tell her she looks great, compliment her parenting skills, admire her dedication to her fitness or how she juggles the work/life balance. Really, any compliments you can think of that might make her smile.
Mommin’ ain’t easy and we all need a little encouragement along the way! Plus you never know just how much someone might need to hear your words.
And remember ladies, you’re not fully dressed until you sparkle!