The Mom Race
The last few months of my life I have very much been in the mom race. You know what I mean, the mom race of running to get the kids to and from school, racing to client meetings, bolting to events, activities, and appointments. Scrambling to write blog posts, schedule social media, go live on Facebook or do research for new projects. Oh and let’s not forget about all those annoying household chores we have to take care of. It never ends!
The mom race is that constant feeling of running against the clock with very little time to relax. There is so much to do and it feels like there are not enough hours to do it all.
Anyone else in this race with me? How are you doing, because I will be honest, I feel like I am coming in dead last most days! I am often left feeling depleted and overwhelmed and stressing about what I still need to get done.
It’s freaking hard to be a mom, a business owner, a wife, a friend and oh yeah, don’t forget to take care of yourself the way the “gurus” say you should.
Today, I Didn’t Run
But today I made the conscience effort to pause. Instead of racing home after drop-off to write a blog post, squeeze in a training that’s been on my to-do list for a few weeks and a whole host of other things I “should” be doing, I decided to pause.
Rather than feel over extended and stressed out for the two hours I had, I took some time for me. I met a friend for coffee at Starbucks and we just sat and chatted for a few hours. With no kids, no agenda and no stress. We laughed, shared stories and drank coffee. It was a simple, yet absolutely perfect moment.
When I left, I realized how badly I needed that time. I needed a moment to just be me. To relax into who I am as a person and to allow myself to not stress about my to-do list or what I’m not accomplishing at home or in my business. I tend to do that and as as result, my anxiety goes through the roof.
You Should Take The Break
So today, I want to encourage you to take yourself out of the mom race too. For just a little while. Your mind, body and soul will thank you for it. And so will your business.
Listen, I know it’s not easy to steal moments away from work or family, but I want to encourage you all to try and make the effort to do it when you can. Set some boundaries for yourself so that you can walk away from the constant pull of your business. We all know as entrepreneurs, you can legit work 24 hours a day and still not be done with everything. But what happens when you don’t take breaks? You run the risk of burn-out, or producing less than great work or simply giving up.
It’s the same when you are in the weeds raising small kids. If you don’t find ways to take breaks, you become easily agitated, stressed and frustrated. At least I do. And I understand it’s not easy to find the breaks. Trust me, with no real village to speak of and a husband who works a ton, it’s on me to get it done.
What You Might Gain
But I will say, today when I got home and my kids were fighting and melting down over sharing the fort they built, I was able to handle it without losing my mind. And now I am writing this blog and I feel inspired by my realization and I am excited to write and share it with you all!
Moving forward, I am going to make a conscience effort to take moments for myself weekly because I want to feel this inspired, relaxed and energetic more often. I am convinced I will be a better mom, entrepreneur and person because of it!
So if you are feeling burnt-out, over extended or exhausted, pause. Breathe and take a moment for yourself. Meet a friend for coffee, go shopping, get your nails done or simply take a walk. Whatever it is you like to do. But allow yourself the moment. I promise you, you won’t regret it. In fact, if you are anything like me, you will see your inner sparkle shine brighter!
And remember ladies, you’re not fully dressed until you sparkle!