I love a good quote. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I love quotes that inspire, empower and make me laugh! This week I thought it would be fun to share with you guys some of my most favorite girl power quotes. These are the quotes that I turn to in moments of self-doubt, fear or insecurity. I read them aloud and it helps stop the dreaded “self-doubt spiral”.

I find most of my inspiration on Pinterest (let’s be honest, it’s the place to go when you need ideas for anything!!) and when I see something I love, I save it to a private board. Then when my mood is not where it needs to be, I go back and I re-read these quotes. I think about the women who said these quotes and imagine the ups and downs they experienced in their lives. I remind myself that they didn’t quit and so neither should I. Then I just keep moving forward.

Listen, not everyday will be perfect and not everyday will be as simple as a good quote makes it seem. As long as you keep going, stay consistent and work your ass off, the wins will come. And those celebratory voices will be a lot louder than those self-doubt ones! I promise girl!!

In no particular order here are some of my favorite quotes:

Are any of your favorites here? I hope these give you a pick-me-up when you need it and remind you that you are a badass women capable of amazing things!!!

And remember ladies, you’re not fully dressed until you sparkle!
