Mindset Impacts our business

Your Mindset Matters
I had a really interesting conversation today about how mindset impacts our business and it got me thinking. Have you ever noticed that when you really decide to go for something, like really go for it, you tend to make it happen? You know, like train for a marathon or search online for hours to find the PERFECT pair of shoes on sale in your size??

You commit to the task and don’t rest until it’s done. Then you share your success with the world because you are excited and feel great!

Well, it made me wonder why so many women don’t use that same tenacity when it comes to their business?

How many of you say to yourself that your business is just something you do for fun? Or you reference it as a “side gig”? Or you tell everyone you are a Stay at Home Mom but you are secretly busting your ass every night brainstorming, dreaming and hoping to build your business into what you want it to be?

When we think of our work as a hobby or just an interest or the cringe-worthy “side hustle” than it is destined to always stay at that level. If you want to grow and scale your business, you MUST shift your mindset.

What do I mean?
I mean, the moment you decide take yourself and your business seriously and recognize it as your job, the game changes. When you make the conscious decision to say yes and allow yourself the opportunity to succeed and grow, you open doors for yourself.

The way you approach your business and the way others respond to your business will change too. As you begin to take your endeavor seriously and approach it with a professional mindset, you might see your family respect, value and appreciate your work more. Friends and family will understand when you say you need to work and the energy and enthusiasm you funnel into your business will help you grow financially.

So, it’s time to stop thinking about your business as just a blog, or a small online store or a “side hustle” and recognize that you are an Entrepreneur. A Lady Boss who can and will make it happen. And if you struggle with figuring out how to shift your mindset, here are a few tips to help you.

Shift Your Mindset
1. Create a professional working space for yourself. Find a place in your house or at a local book/coffee shop where you can set up a clean, professional feeling work space. Seek out an environment that drives productivity and creativity and makes you feel like you are at work.

2. Carve out specific times of day to work your business and stick to it.
I know it can be hard to balance work and family, especially if you have little ones. But find specific times in your day when you know you can work and then always use that time to do just that. Let your kids and your husband know that you are carving out this time and enlist their help to allow you to do so. The more the family understands your goals and needs, the easier it will be for everyone.

3. Call yourself an Entrepreneur and tell yourself you are one daily.
This one is so important and could be the hardest one of all. Turn the automatic conversation in your head off and instead replace it with an intentional one. Intentionally tell yourself you are an entrepreneur. You are a boss. You are successful. You are open to success and welcome it. And repeat it to yourself daily for at least 21 days. The more you say it to yourself the more you will begin to believe it. Once you believe it, you will begin to see things change!

4. Create Business Social Media Profiles on all of your platforms. This tip is about positioning. If you are promoting your business on your personal social media platforms you are not only hurting your brand but you are leaving money on the table. Create business profiles and send the world the message that you are professional, reliable and trustworthy.

5. Talk about your work/business when you are out and in social settings.
It’s so easy to default to talking about our children when we are out in social settings. And don’t get me wrong, I love talking about my kids but if someone asks what’s new with you – share! Tell them a little bit about your business and something you accomplished.

When you believe in yourself and let go of the fear, that’s when amazing things happen. So go for it ladies and make magic happen!

And remember, you’re not fully dressed until you sparkle!
