Let's Talk About You!

Let’s Talk About You!
I went back and forth today about what I wanted to write for this blog post. There are so many topics I could cover and we all know that true to my name, I am a Chatty Kathy! Sometimes it’s not easy to narrow in on exactly what is on my mind. However, today I came to the conclusion that I want to talk about something super important. I want to talk about you.

Reasons You Are Awesome
Yes you! I want to talk about you. How can I possibly know anything about you? Well, I do. I know a lot about you that you might not even realize about yourself. Let me fill you in on a little secret….even if you feel like a hot mess most days you are actually pretty incredible! I know, you are sitting here thinking, “yeah ok, whatever lady”, but I’m serious! Here are my reasons why you are so amazing. You:

1. Are Unique! There is not one other person on this earth that can think, act or do like you. Your style, your vibe, your brand, it’s all you. Pure and simple. While people might try to emulate you, they will never be an exact replica. So embrace that, own it, be proud of who you are and show it to the world!

2. Go For It! If you are reading this blog you either are already chasing a dream or thinking about going after a dream! That in itself, is huge. Many people will live their whole life and never try out of fear of failure. What they don’t realize is that everything they could possibly want in their life, is on the other side of fear! You my dear, are going for it despite any fear you might have. Pretty incredible in my book.

3. Make Mistakes. Huh? How is making mistakes a good thing? Well it means you tried something out of your comfort zone. You did something new you’ve never done before and maybe it didn’t go exactly as planned. But guess what? It was a learning experience and the next time you try it, you are that much further ahead! So in my mind, mistakes are progress. Way to go!

4. Embrace Uncertainty. Look, being an entrepreneur, mompreneur, girl boss or whatever you want to call it, is hard work. It’s filled with uncertainty about what is coming next. The uncertainty can be daunting, but it is also filled with possibility and hope and that excites you more than scares you. So bring on the uncertainty, you are not afraid!

5. Sparkle Bright. You are doing your thing and making zero apologies for it. You are unleashing your inner sparkle for the world to see. And let’s be honest, people are drawn to things that shine, so sparkle bright my glitter girl! You are going to do amazing things!

And remember ladies, you’re not fully dressed until you sparkle!
